Saturday, February 20, 2016

Walking Past Clouds and Rains,…

Out in the darkness my eyes see it all so clear,
I succumb under its weight,
I become one with it;
While Light blinds me, scalds my senses and tortures my soul to the point of breaking.
With the storm’s cunning it takes away all;
So less are its efforts I feel so powerless and the sense to resist has left me floating in an endless abyss; a pit devouring life,
But as the night approaches I lay awake in the chaos and watch;
The silence so deafening, I can see and hear what lies beneath,
its screams echoing through time and space.
Fathoms away from life, it seeks death-
Of its obsession to absence than the magnificence of the presence,
The effortless drought of light is who I am, shadows of shadows
Darkness so thick one could breathe it, touch it, embrace it and revel in the dimensions of the Gods unnoticed.
The magic of love and life are measly illusions forged out of dreams;
A hole lies where a heart was.
I lay awake as patient as the Gods shaping life
Waiting to reach out and take back what’s mine from the sternest of storms and thunder and lightning.
I am life and I am death, the beginning and the end, the creator and the destroyer,
Everything that is and is not,
My hysteria travels through worlds, its insanity fuels suns and stars and I accept light so I can live in the dark.
In an ocean of black shadows where my eyes see right and bright, shining lone ambers in a deep coal mine, with the glow of a hunting falcon, I fly high and steep; ascend in to the winds to look down
And a nose dive to see if I survive, knowing I will
Buried beneath shallow valleys and confidences of the great oceans, an expression of life and death; one good eye and one fading light
I begin hearing  whispers, a colossal leap in to the space and my hands reaching out to the source; it’s freezing cold, a fear takes shape like a serpent, coils around and round and seeps in to my mind and heart and gives me strength,
Its venom heals wounds and scars as if there were none;
I am the two sides of a coin holding its reigns I turn on my own,
Thunder storms beside I walk like the king of kings.

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