Tuesday, October 23, 2012

conpusions of India (literally :P)

We as the world’s biggest democracy has seen so many elections and so many leaders, our economy has reached new peaks, and we do claim to be the oldest of the civilizations that stands in par with The Egyptians and Sumerians, when the Europeans were hunting for their food, we were building ships and trading with the east, with such history one would expect us to be in the top of the food chain, The Big brother status of USA should only do us less credit, let us put such deserving thoughts aside for a while; I happened to witness the Presidential debate of the USA for the first time(Of course in TV) and was left in astonishment by the decency displayed by both the candidates and was even more baffled the next day to see the American news papers lashing out at them for certain remarks made and at the Moderator especially for not controlling the debate very well.
 The Reason why me in the first place presumed the debate as decent was because of my expectation of witnessing hair pulling and chair throwing which are the unique identities of an Indian Parliament session; A day without which any chosen public representative of Indian legislature will consider it his day off, A wasted day. Now let me come to the first point of the post, considering our long history as a society are we not supposed to love our fellow beings a little more? If given a chance should we not try and make the lives of our fellow beings a little better? We boast an economy growing faster than the Americans isn't it about time that no Indian sleeps with out his day’s bread, Isn't it about  time that each Indian writes and reads his own post card to his family(I happened to help an illiterate guy to write a letter at a post office, Didn't make me happy at all) and decide on his own, his vote.
Now again to the Presidential debate of the USA; When I saw Romney and Obama argue I saw two fellow Americans competing to help their country men, They both believe that the other guy cant do as well as himself, at least that is the posture they must maintain in order to win and to continue office,  How hopeless it is to hope for at least a posture, a gesture of doing good from the Indian politicians, I'm not scaling up to the levels of president or Prime minister(in the case of India), No, Not yet. can you question your Municipal Councillor ?? can a Indian point finger at his Municipal Councillor, no  and Yet we call it a free nation.

P.S: After all Indians get arrested for drawing cartoons

Any bloke will find this post discontinuous, erratic but i had to vent out my frustration and I did, so if you are searching for something good to read i’d suggest not to try this one, well this warning probably should appear in the beginning but it isn't which only means I really don't care,

Bazingggggaaaaaa :)  punks :P

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