Physics(The Subject) in many ways is an attractive woman, it lures you in with its amazing features
such as the hopes for answer to the universe and everything else. Makes you think it is all that you want to understand and in every turn eludes you. The great Oasis in the desert of time that most physicists long to see in their short lifeterm(what arrogance) is the Higgs boson. This particle turns out a mirage every time great men think and boast they’ve found it, just like Love does to every man in search for it.
A few months ago when it hit the headlines again a neighbourhood guy, a science enthusiast I presume, went running to his friends to share the happy news about Higgs boson particle being unveiled in the CERN particle accelerator facility. In his way he shared his enthusiasm to his patti(grand ma); about the impact it will have on all the mysteries of the universe. Finally how Albert Einstein could stop wandering as a ghost and RIP. To which the Patti took a very firm stand in her belief and responded with a “silly kid, world was created in the Dance of Lord Shiva” (a Vague but almost close translation of the tamil statement), what is ironic about all this is, the ultra modern State-of-the-art CERN lab has on its porch The statue of Lord Shiva unfolding the Universe in his Dance of fury (from the Hindu mythology); the respect shown by the CERN labs is in absolute contrast to the Guy staring down at the old patti in mock disbelief.
What I want to point out here is the Patti’s belief in Myth is as good as the Grandson’s Faith in science. No answer is too simple to be pushed away, science is as much of assumptions as myths are of imagination, I am a self declared atheist yet in tight situations and close calls I turn to the higher power, we all do, too proud to announce it though. May be one way of showing the power some respect is by accepting that a power may exist, even by stressing the “may” with Caps and Italics(like “MAY”, or “MAY”) it still is showing respect , when theists go to temples and churches, and show their devotion an Atheist declares his respect to the Gods with Caps lock and Italics(Time for some fireworks

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